2025 Autumn Season - registration now closed - contact us for waitlist opportunities.
We have finalised 2025 Autumn teams, but welcoming expressions of interest from new players who may be looking to commence their journey or players who may want a change and join our great club. Places can come up at any point during the season and we will look to back-fill those places from the waitlist.
Limited opportunities also often arise mid-year as we start a new competition season in July.
Register interest from our Contact Page.
Net Set Go Skills Program (5 - 8 yrs)
PMNC runs a 10 week Net Set Go skills program to Netball Victoria's guidelines, each Autumn and Spring Seasons at our local club at R F Julier Reserve netball courts, Garden City.
We welcome all genders and abilities, absolute beginners, or those who have played at school and keen to find out more.
Our next skills program will be in Autumn 2025, likely April / May. Contact us for more information if you have a young one looking to start their netball journey.
Parkville Competition (8-17 yrs)
We have teams competing weekly at the Parkville Netball Competition including;
Net Set Go Games, 11 & Under, 13 & Under, 15 & Under, 17 & Under
Teams train once at week on various nights at our local club at R F Julier Reserve netball courts, Garden City. Games are played either on weeknights or Saturday's depending on your team either at the Parkville State Netball Centre or the Riverside Netball Courts.
Competition is open to all genders.
Open Competition (18+ Ladies)
We also have 'Opens' teams. Contact us for more information.